Keep Nintendo 3Ds or Switch?

- in Nintendo

I have a non-working Nintendo Switch. My cousin volunteered to fix it.
For months I have been wishing to have a Nintendo to play Animal Crossing. My mother had sold mine several years ago, but without my permission.

This cousin has a multi-game Nintendo. If I don't want the switch, we would swap it (and I will get another sum because the switch is definitely more expensive).

Now the question:

Nintendo + 6 games, for Switch (where I could also play Animal Crossing New Horizont)

No Nintendo, just get Switch repaired + ACNH

both = large sum of money

I know the most unnecessary question ever but I'm stupid and disturbed


In the future you want to play a game that is only available for one of these consoles, so come on both xd


New games are coming out for the Nintendo Switch. In addition, playing on it is much more pleasant than on such a DS or the like.


Because then you have both.


There's the new Animal Crossing new horizon for the Switch