Gta 5 act 2 glitch

- in PlayStation

I need a lot of money in GTA V to buy a lot of vehicles. I don't want to play for several days to buy a car or something. For this reason, I would like to do a money glitch, but I don't know any, except for a glitch that I've heard about, Act 2 glitch. I have thoroughly informed myself about it and now I know how it works with Act 2. I bought a base and did all the missions until I'm on the Act 2 mission so I would be ready for that now. But the problem is that I need a partner for this (someone who is also ready to smile at me) so that we can make millions of each other. Either I need a partner or someone explains another glitch to me, with which I get a lot of money. Good answers would be nice! (I play on the PS4)


I can gladly help you. I have done it many times just add me on PlayStation Lg2004Boom then we can alternate as often as possible and you can also test drive me because I already have a lot of things


Ok thanks, I'll add you later


We can do 've done many times and also made all the preparations Just ace me over Ps4 hot kong_az