PS4 slim power supply the same as the normal ps4 power supply?

- in PlayStation

The question is in principle above. My PS4 slim broke the power supply. Can I just buy a new ps4 power supply or do I need one specifically for the slim? And if so where can I get one cheap, because so far I have only found new / used for the "normal" ps4.


Do you need a power supply or a power cord? The power supply is in your PS4, the cable is plugged into the power supply.


A power supply. I have more than one power cord to swap. I've already tried it, it's not that


Then you need a PS4 Slim power supply. The PS4, PS4 Facelift, PS4 slim and the Pro all have different interiors.


Okay thank you very much. Do you happen to know where I can get one apart from Amazon? Because who I'm looking for, only the normal Ps4 is shown to me