Why do the French refuse to speak English?

- in PlayStation

To take the wind out of the sails ahead of time, NO, I'm not a racist, but… But no.

I'm not a racist. Point

So, since that is now clarified, I now want to come to my question.

I really do not want to discriminate or marginalize anyone because of their origins. And I do not… Almost.

I really tried hard to learn English. And although my English grammar is not intoxicating, I still receive positive feedback from my English-speaking colleagues in online games. And I also tried tens of thousands of times to get in touch with Frenchmen.

After felt 999 French was the thousandth actually one with whom I could talk without problems.

But what exactly is the problem with the French? Why do they avoid coming into contact with people of other nationalities?

Honestly, that's great to get to know other cultures. Through online games I have met people from Brazil, USA, from the Caribbean and countless other countries. For some, I did not even know that they have any reasonable Internet, let alone have some Ps4 and Fifa.

Why do the French avoid us? And when you have to work in groups, they do their own thing (about 200+ experiences). You can't rely on them then. Before this ugliness?


The French do not like to speak other languages because they think that the language of the Grand Nation is the language of the world, and as a result others have to follow the French.

Apart from that, I do not know a country where English is spoken worse than in France. I had to work directly with the French for 5 years, and the contracted language was English. Grottenschlecht, pronunciation. Only once did I deal with a Frenchman who spoke perfect, accent-free English. But he was 10 years in the USA.

But beware! Even if they do not like to speak English or German, many understand it.


I can't confirm that from my professional life. I worked for years in an international French company. Group language was English - worldwide. Of course, most of them have a strong accent, but they all spoke great English. We got once for 1.5 years a manager from France, who spoke fluent German after 6 months!

So you can! Often they do not want to.

The leadership of the group was such that all prejudices have been confirmed. One ruled like the Sun King. No matter what it was about - the word of the French boss was worldwide law and could not be doubted. This was considered a lack of identification with the company and usually had the job loss.


If one speaks of a population group that '___', then that does not have to be racist, but at least it is evil generalizing.

Then you seem to concoct the use of your own language or English and some dismissive behavior from a group of people, though these are two different things.

As well as everywhere where English is not a first or national language, only people with a higher level of education will be able to speak enough English so that they can communicate confidentially and spontaneously in English. Ask here about 50-year-old, the woman at the LIDL box office, main students or people who have never had anything to do with English after school. Most of these people will not be able to help a tourist in English and, at best, use sign language.

Ask French / Germans in suit, students, people with experience abroad and they may be able to help you in English (also spontaneously).

Otherwise, that's also a cultural thing. If a country and its inhabitants are proud of their own language and their own achievements, then they will want to take care of them. All the more, foreign language teaching will be worse because there's no need for it.

In general, however: Anyone who is not confident enough in dealing with a language will not want to use it voluntarily and then rather says nothing than stomping around. And there's more than enough of that in Germany, too. Rather few will be capable enough in English or other languages.


Humor is when ma still laughs.


Because they think that the language of the Grand Nation is the language of the world, and consequently others have to follow the French.

Especially young French people are not interested in history à la "Grande Nation".

Apart from that, I do not know a country where English is spoken worse than in France.

I can suggest you some. At my university there were people from many different countries. Brazilians, for example, often speak very poor English, but also some Asians.

If you do not like to speak English or German, but understand it very many.

The general public understands as little German as we understand French.

I have completely different experiences. I have lived in France for several months and can only say that French people who speak the language do not hesitate to use it.


My experiences result from my 5 year residency in LeLuc.


Then you probably had bad luck there. By the way: one should not generalize. English is also a question of age in France (as in Germany). My parents (age 50) both do not speak a word of English. It is the same with many older Frenchmen. People should not be told that they do not speak a language they do not speak.