What knowledge do I need to create this website?

- in PlayStation

I hope you are well. I have given some thought and decided to start a new project, the goal will be to create a website alone. However, I still need a little help because I'm unsure which programming languages I need to master and whether this can be achieved at all. Let's get to the requirements or idea:

Website should have:

- Possibility to create an account on the website.

- To connect this account with different providers z. B. Steam, Playstation.

- There should be a kind of "matchmaking" function on the website. In other words, you can search for other people who are registered on the website. Here, z. B. Only players who match different parameters will find each other.

My question again:

Which programming languages will I need for this? I'm aware that it will be difficult, but it should be a long-term project that may take several years. I don't mean to be done with it tomorrow.


I think with Wordpress and BuddyPress


HTML / CSS / Javascript (including frameworks) for the design

PHP as interpreter for database operations

MySQL as a database engine


So HTML / CSS / Javascript for design and functions.

PHP / MySQL for the login section?