Playing PS1 games on a PS3, is it dangerous?

- in PlayStation

I'm Alex and today I bought a PSN card to buy games on my PS3, then I came across one of my childhood games, namely "Rayman 2 The Great Escape". I thought it was a remake, and when I downloaded and installed it, I realized it was a PS1 classic (the PS1 version). I know you can play PS1 games on a PS3, but my question is is this dangerous because the graphics go down to 576p as soon as I start the game. When I leave it is back to 1080p. But it's also probably because it's a PS1 game.

I would be happy if someone tells me whether it is dangerous to play games like this on a PS3 or not.


There's absolutely no danger from that.


Actually, the graphics should then be back to 1080p


Thank you, then at least I'm reassured!