STEM CELLS / Toti, Pluri, Multipotent?


So as far as I understand there are 2 types of stem cells. Once the embryonic and once the adult stem cell. Totipotent - can develop into any cell type (human)

Pluripotent - nobody can develop into anything

Multipotent - only certain cells

as far as I understand, what I did not understand is that, firstly, the fertilized egg is pluripotent in the early stages and takes place in the uterus.

What about the others?

I google all the time, watch videos, but somehow didn't understand exactly


The zygote is totipotent. Pluripotency occurs a little later during embryonic development - if I remember correctly, it was at the time when the three cotyledons appeared.

All later stem cells are then multipotent and tissue-specific and are also preserved in the adult organism.