Have the following championshards and would like to use 1 of them
It depends on what you normally play and what you want to achieve with it?!
I'm currently level 24 and so I don't play ranked yet, and at the moment I'm more about having fun. I prefer to play such agile and active champions, be it as top, jgl or adc
So of the champs, lucian has the most mobility.
He can also go top and adc.
Of those, I enjoy Twitch the most… Because he's a rat 😂
Best argument so far🤣
Is just the way…
When I play twitch, I always eat cheese all the time after I don't have anything to do.
Otherwise, what do you think of yone and lucian personally?
Yone is cancer ☺️
Lucian is ok
Now do another game first, then I'll get a shard for Samira
You enjoy mobile characters
lvl 24
OK: can you kite Auto attack movement - Auto Attack movement?
Without that you can cut out the adc.
Of these, Lucian and karma are the most mobile because of Dash and Movespeed. But also Draven who you know how to play him.
The most mobile is the one you are looking for with back and forth would be Yasuo, Katarina, zed.
I'm not an expert in kiting now, but try to learn it right now
The best way to do this is to go to the settings and do aggressive attacks on Shift + right click.
Then you just have to alternate right click next to Champ and Aggressive attacks on the target. Then back and forth.
What I can really recommend is the color blind mode.
Green can very easily disappear in a battle. But yellow is a very rare color scheme there. You always know where you are.
It all depends on what you play / what you want to learn.
From the adc's (Ashe, Draven, Lucian, Senna, Twitch) the choice is currently between Ashe, Draven and Lucian. Draven is the most difficult of these.
If you want to play top lane then Darius. Is easier to play.
Jungle Poppy is very strong right now, and relatively easy to play on the toplane. I would advise against Udyr.
Karma and Senna are the only supports here (Ashe too, but that's just meta). I would rather prefer karma.