Hello lol there's now the newest join your twitch prime with lol to premiere to get? But somehow I'm always forwarded to amazon?

- in Twitch

Hello lol there's now the newest "connect your twitch prime" with lol premier to get? But somehow I'm always forwarded to amazon when I press from my lol client on more experienced and if I should sign up then there's something because I agree with this and all in the next 15 minutes. Do you buy or something?!


Twitch belongs to amazon, and prime is Amazon's premium program.


Twitch Prime runs on Amazon Prime. You log in to your account so that your Twitch Prime is connected to League of Legends and then you get your reward. Have fun with it!



The capsules are available at Twitch PRIME.

Twitch Prime links Twitch to an existing Amazon PRIME account (Amazon pays 70 euro per year).

The authorization, which also includes the 15 minutes, is necessary because you're basically saying that Twitch is allowed to see certain data on your Amazon account (that you're an Amazon Prime customer).

That with the purchases it is possibly a bit confusing, since this is a general login and it would therefore be THEORETICAL possible, actually is purchased but nothing