Horror games for Switch multiplayer?

- in Nintendo

I have a switch and an additional controller. And I love playing Nintendo Switch. My friends and I wanted to have a little overnight party after Corona, because one of them has her birthday soon and we could then celebrate (I only have 2 best friends and they are just as good as me and are not meeting anyone at the moment) but I would play the game still like to order because I want to play it alone. Since we already have a lot of cute games, I would like to have something creepy now because I find it so funny with friends. P.s I'm 13 but I think something like Dead by Daylight or Slenderman is so great😂. With something like that I can easily persuade my mum (it can also be from 16 or 18, of course 12 would be better). But it shouldn't be anything that affects the psyche, such as Do you copy or something, because there's nothing funny anymore.


So something like Outlast 1 and 2 or Layers of Fear is dropped, right? ^^ Amnesia should then also think fall under it. (But they are all top games)

How about the Resident Evil series, Friday the 13th, Alien Isolation, Little Nightmare, Call Of Cthulhu… There are more, but a few examples, is that what you mean? ^^
I don't know myself why the rest is written so huge ^^

I also think Dead By Daylight is a fun game.


Yes, that's exactly what I mean😂 I've already looked at them. Outlast is just too intense for me😅 I'll definitely get something like Little nightmare,… But can I play one of the games with others on the same console? I don't think it works but that would be so coolo. But it's also not bad if it doesn't work, I'll get it anyway 🥳


But sometimes playing is different than just looking at it… Maybe try Outlast? 😬😬

No, Little Nightmare doesn't have a co-op. Even the second part doesn't have that ^^

That's right, don't make it dependent on a co-op / multiplayer.


Yes, I've already watched so many streams and played something like Outlast 😂 But somehow this game just affected my mental consciousness, if that's really German. Because of that, I would really like to have a good game where I'm scared but also has a story. Already like outlast because I know that the game is mega but yes.😅 I'll also continue to see if I can find something like that, just without this little game with my psyche. But at some point I want to play outlast