Call of Duty Modern Warfare, multiplayer is not working?

- in PlayStation

First of all hello, as stated above, the multiplayer does not work. It's just multiplayer too. I play on PS4, have PS Plus and got the game whacked.

Everything works perfectly, just not the multiplayer. If I go to the multiplayer is what follows now:

"You do not have or do not have the Multiplayer DLC Pack, please buy or download it."

I downloaded everything, at least I think so. There were various add-ons, like the campaign or special ops pack.

No idea what it could be? Is it perhaps because the account of whom I gesharet got got no PS Plus. He thinks I got PS Plus himself, but with him the multiplayer works. Even if I go in with him, it does not work. Have synonymous with both accounts, the licenses restored, has brought nothing. New download should bring nothing, I've noticed, have not tried. Instead, I should restore the licenses, but has also brought nothing.

Hope someone can help!


No, that's not true, my buddies have got it gesharet, in which everything works fine.


The DLCs are usually account bound and not comprehensive, so I suspect that you can't share the multiplayer, but only the main game without the associated DLCs.