Rare Nintendo DS game?

- in Nintendo

I occasionally buy old Nintendo DS or Gameboy games on Ebay classifieds. And so I bought the game for 20 euro because the case was black and I thought it would look good in my small collection

Rare Nintendo DS game Rare Nintendo DS game - 1

Now I googled the game a few days ago because everything on the packaging is in English and the game is only in English. That's when I saw that the game was selling for $ 200 on Ebay.

Rare Nintendo DS game - 2

And since then I've been wondering where the Peris comes from, because honestly the game is not a really good one and yet it's so expensive.

Does anyone know about rare DS games and can explain to me why they are so expensive.


While I'm not familiar with rare games, I saw that the game didn't get a USK review. In addition, the game is 12 years old and it seems to be very unknown (at least I can't find anything about it on the internet).

It can therefore be assumed that the game has few sales figures and that the demand from collectors should be high enough to justify such a price.


So the game is a US Nintendo DS game. Like the Japanese, they had a thinner, black shell. So if the game is traded for 200 euro, I would assure myself directly whether it is really real! DS games in particular are very often counterfeited, although it is unlikely with less well-known games.

However, Nintendo games quickly become expensive when the sales figures are rather low and demand is then high at some point, especially when it is no longer sold. Is the case with many games. The game probably wasn't the best here, so it quickly disappeared from the market.