Broken Joy Con on Nintendo?

- in Nintendo

I've had a Nintendo Switch since Christmas 2019. First I had gray Joy Cons and then the sensors were broken (when I played Fortnite, for example, I turned, etc. Without touching anything on the Joy Con). I got new Joy cons soon afterwards and recently played Fortnite and the same thing started again that I couldn't move and actually I'm very careful with the Joy Cons. I never threw him or hit him. It only fell down once but that can't show its damage until so late (was 1 year ago). I wanted to ask what exactly is going on there now, what that can be and what you can do there, because I don't want to buy new Joy Cons again. (they were loaded and I'm loading them too).


My Joy Cons were also gruesome. Almost never used and still quickly broken. I would have expected more from Nintendo. Such a bad quality…


Unfortunately, this is a known problem - the Joy-Con drift.

The control stick has to be replaced. If you still have the guarantee, you can send the part to Nintendo and they will repair it for you.


I don't know exactly what that can be, but Nintendo offers you the opportunity to send in broken Joycons for free. They will then be repaired free of charge, and Nintendo will also pay for the shipment.


But he says nothing about the drift, only that they don't react.
This can be said a little differently for me.
Or am I wrong?


When I played Fortnite, for example, I turned etc. Without touching anything on the Joy Con

Sounds like a typical drift sign to me: Input from the control stick without the user doing anything


Buy WD-40 contact spray to spray and dry off the affected stick. Then look in the settings for the controller during calibration, whether the problem still exists.

The video helped me back then. In any case, saves you the unnecessary shipping of the Joycon. Because the problem will come back at some point anyway.

To the best of my knowledge, the problem arises when dust gets under the stick. You can remove the dust with the contact spray.


And the same thing started again just that I couldn't move at all

That's why I just said that.