Did you pull a Trojan right away?

- in PlayStation

Have a trojan wanted to download ps4 remotely from the Internet and suddenly I had a browser deleted it suddenly spamming my Windows 10 virus protection what should I do?

Go to disk cleaning all the time and nothing happens


1. What happened exactly? Your description is a bit wild.

2. What kind of virus protection do you have?


Your description is almost incomprehensible. Name the specific messages that you see and the name of the program that shows them.

Disk cleanup is a Windows system tool and is not used to remove malware.


I have no virus protection I have cromium trojan so I wanted to stream normally via my pc with ps4 remote-play then I accidentally clicked a link over it then it started I had a bright blue browser so I thought… What I got it all for normally deleted until suddenly the message came serious threat had only Windows 10 normal protection I had long before logged in to everyone because of protection I did everything where protection is with the cloud etc. I quickly went into safe mode and thought that they had been deleted Again and again I reacted quickly and as I said I'm in safe mode now I have done data cleaning but I'm not sure if it is gone stay in it as long and I pulled


So it says delete Windows?


And the first message was serious then slightly easy slightly then it stopped pc but did not slow down


Read through the defender, presumably a protection has automatically switched off and you should activate it.


You do not provide any information. You can't be helped like that. Again:

Exactly state the messages that are displayed to you and do not use your words to explain what you understand.


I was shown a serious threat


I won't repeat it again.


Learn punctuation marks! You can hardly follow your statements and you have to guess more than you can understand them.
- What kind of browser did you have at once?
- Which page did you want to download something from?
- How does the alleged "Trojan" make itself felt?


A lot of data is important to me and as I heard from you, does data storage cleanup make sense?


It is completely unclear what was going on with you. You write that you have NO virus protection, but you have been notified of a "serious threat". WHAT program?

You write something from a "light blue browser". What is that supposed to be? Again: Disk Cleanup is a tool to clear garbage, unnecessary temporary data, etc. EVER has nothing to do with virus control.


So now the whole thing again with punctuation marks, so that I can read this cleverly…


Again 1. I wanted to download remote play for my pc and got myself a trojan. I just wanted to stream to my pc, unfortunately this is no longer possible because I have no idea how to get rid of it.

I would have received many reports that I have a serious threat. I acted directly and tried to delete it in the normal way without success.

And then I had the idea that data cleanup would help. Unfortunately, I do not now know exactly whether I'm rid of him, I wait in safe mode all the time

I apologize for my language


Windows 10 logged me on everywhere for protection and it is difficult on my cell phone because I only write on pc


I don't understand what's so hard about understanding ps4 remote play?


You continue to speak in riddles. If you want help, please provide information and not "I have registered everywhere for protection".

Probably your browser either warned you about entering an untrustworthy page or you have been on one of them and this displayed a fake warning.


I don't understand what's so hard about understanding ps4 remote play?

What does that have to do with what has happened on your PC regarding "Trojans"? NOTHING!


Do you use Windows Defender as virus protection?
What exactly were the reports?


There were reports of serious threats and then only slightly identified threats


Am I safe in safe mode?


I have Windows 10 virus protection, is this enough?


It's not about whether the Defender is ENOUGH. It's about what exactly he reported. Usually, an AV gives the location and name of the suspicious file or process.

NO single antivirus is enough. EVERYTHING often fails and often produces false alarms.



blocks APP or process svchost.exe

Protected folders% userprofile% \ Videos

Blocked by monitored odner handle

You can allow apps to access their protected folders, but they should only allow apss that they trust

The message came 11 times


Fine. "Action blocked" is pretty easy to understand.


Is that good now? And what happens now?


And I don't have internet that will not get worse


And what happens now?

Now I'm going to make a ham sandwich.