Buyers on Ebay classifieds claims that I'm cheating?

- in PlayStation

I sent a PS4 to a buyer a week ago. He paid by bank transfer, although I said it would be better for him to pick it up directly. But lived too far away.

In any case, he now complains that supposedly no PS4 arrived but instead 2 DVD players. I knew right away that he wanted to pull me off and wanted money + goods, nevertheless I made a good face about the bad game and pointed out to him that it couldn't be but also offered and helped my advice. Called DHL and asked etc.

He now wants to report me for fraud. Is it all right that he can legally steal from me? I'm desperate because I'm only a student myself and have little money.


"Push into the blue"… Announce to the dubious buyer that you will request an investigation of the 2 DVD players for fingerprints from the criminal police. I think then there's calm.


If he should do it, it will probably only have been hot air anyway, if you have already called DHL and who said that everything was lawfully delivered, he has to prove something else to you anyway.

In return, you can knock at the police station and ask what you can do about it.


Basically, the presumption of innocence applies in Germany, i.e. You do not have to prove that you have not shipped a PS4, but the seller has to prove that you have shipped 2 DVD players.

Here is probably statement against statement and the matter is stopped.

I would tell the buyer that there are witnesses and that you are calm about the complaint.

Many sellers are intimidated by such threats and prefer to return the money. I would not do that.


There's no way that DHL can help. They have the shipment number and tracking number, but are not responsible for the content of the shipment.

This scam is at least new to me and I think it's very good that you raise your awareness with this question.

Prove you sent the right one, can't you? But the other can't prove that you allegedly sent the wrong one.

You should write to him that you will contraindicate false allegations if he doesn't stop threatening the police.

He may leave this with an advertisement, because the buyer knows very well that he is ripping you off and not vice versa. And he also knows that he can't get away with it.

The buyer plays with the respect and fear of citizens to have to get involved with the police. If he notices that you are not going through the blackmail and on the contrary want to take the scepter in his hand, then he will probably and hopefully refrain from doing so.

Another one writes a really great thing below: You can include that in my answer (that is, with the fingerprints on the DVD), but you can also send mine first and keep that in mind as a trump card. So you hesitate to spend any time, which helps and then that with the DVD as a second. Or you can keep it with the police as a trump card for your proof.

In fact, I think there's calm before… Still you would have the evidence now. If there are no fingerprints on it, you know that the buyer has wiped everything…


Ne the DHL could not provide information because they can't know what is really in the package.

But I did my best anyway.

And thank you for your answer


So that's what I call a valuable tip!