PS4 does not read game right?

- in PlayStation

When installing a game from an original Blu Ray came 2x error message on the third time it was installed but you hear the drive has problems with it because a scratch is on it but not in reading direction. The Blu Rqay looks pretty good without any scratches. Is possibly s.der PS4? Does anyone know ne video library in DE where you can send DVDs and BLu Rays to polish?


You have to see if everything is good on the printed surface. Because on this surface the data is lasered.

If there's a scratch on this surface or the surface is damaged then you can throw away the disk.

You can rub the plastic side of the disc with toothpaste and place it in the freezer, then the scratches are gone.

Video libraries are slowly dying out so there are not that many, but you can go to Videoworld and they'll definitely have something to polish.


^ which toothpaste


No matter the main thing toothpaste


Fluoride or no fluoride is a big difference


But not with cds