Ps4 rattles or rattles?

- in PlayStation

I bought the PS4 pro last year. I noticed right after a day of use that it makes very loud rattling noises. In addition, the Ps4 gets very hot after a short use and some games also crash more often. The Playstation has enough distance to the wall, so a lot of space. I was hoping that the noise might subside over time, but there was no improvement.

I was already on the Sony support page, where I only got tips on how to put the Ps4 correctly. Still, I would like to send it in while I still have the guarantee. But unfortunately I don't know how it works.

Can somebody give me advise? I don't dare to open the Playstation myself. In addition, dust shouldn't be the problem as I always keep the Ps4 clean.


Is generally due to the model is so with every ps4


Drop off where you bought the Ps4. Of course with a receipt.


That's not true. Mine runs perfectly and this is not a normal problem. Have Ps4 sent in and first pull the saved data onto a stick or hard drive


Anyone can say that


Yes, you can also believe what you want. What does it bring me to say something like that?


I would normally accept fan noise, but it rattles all the time and my old woman didn't.