How do I build up an environment again?

- in PlayStation

I haven't had a lot of good contacts since Corona, and I even ended some myself during the crisis.

How do you get sensible friendships / relationships built up without directly describing every person you talk to after weeks of sport or Ps4 chat as friendship.

Some people use these words like "friendship" very inflationarily and I'm shocked how difficult it has become in our society to find people with normal interests and demands. I'm also annoyed by this interface dating apps / chat rooms, where there are people with infinitely high aesthetic standards and even these people are incredibly boring and meaningless.

Do you have any tips? I live in a Kuhkaff, where nothing runs within 20km anyway.


Friendships are such a strange thing that requires mutual interest and loyalty. It builds up on each other only slowly. Often slower than relationships.

Three ways.

A.) go more where there are people with the same interests.
(if you don't move, you can't move)

B.) With the people you already know and see only every few weeks, try to do more and get to know people from their circle of acquaintances better.

C.) Reactivate former acquaintances and how B.

D.) By chance to meet interesting people. But just like A., B., C., because very few of them will come to your home. Come by yourself.

The most promising I see A + B + C with the help of D