How can I see my recent purchases on ps4?

- in PlayStation

How can I see my recent purchases on ps4?


I'm not aware of any list on PS4 showing recent payments. Only the purchase confirmations that are sent to you by email would come into question.

But there's no real list. If you want to see your recent purchases, you will likely have to search your email and find the right ones. Then you can see how much you have spent on what.


You will receive an email with every purchase. You can read that there.


Unfortunately I can't look it up. I have now just been camed for 10 euro, unfortunately I can't check whether there was at least an email because I don't have access to it


Why don't you have access to your email. Are you using your parents' email address?


Yes, we moved out from my father and he got half of my games out of the moving cartongs, that's why I have less hope that he will give me the email xd


Unfortunately I have no access to it.


Then unfortunately there's nothing you can do. But why don't you have access to it?


The email belongs to my father, we moved out of his home, hamlet is not so fragrant. I have little hope that he will give me the email


Oh, I'm sorry for you. Otherwise you will unfortunately no longer be able to find the list of the last purchased games.