Do stores earn money by selling PSN cards?

- in PlayStation

There's a small shop near me that will sell video games. Like most stores, it is currently closed. Since my PS-Plus has expired and I would like to renew it, I'm just wondering whether shops will benefit from it at all. The subscription costs the same everywhere, whether I buy it in the supermarket or directly in the PSN store.
Of course it is easier to do this in the PSN store, but I would like to support the store and it is currently giving people the opportunity to communicate with them over the internet and make such purchases.
To cut a long story short: Does he actually benefit from such priced download codes or does it ultimately matter where I get them?


So the sale of the cards always brings something to the retailers, it is not much but they get a small discount because they mostly hope that not all vouchers etc. Will be redeemed.

So that's my thought.


Since retail helps the PSN Store sell credit, they will either get the cards cheaper or receive a commission for each card sold.

The PSN cards are hardly sold in the same value (e.g. 50 euro) from Playstation to retailers.

In trade between companies, money has a different value. You can see that on the cash discount, for example. The discount is a discount that can be offered by the seller. Usually between 2-3%. The buyer can get the cash discount by paying the invoice before a deadline. For example, within ten days. So it is more important for the seller to get the money quickly than to get the full amount.


Thanks a lot for the answer, then I will take care that I get the card in the small shop of trust! Have a good time.