Generate codes?

- in PlayStation

On the Internet you often see fake sites that tell you that you can generate codes, e.g. Psn codes. Suppose there's a real one, how do you generate such codes and do you need such a lot of power?


There's no such side. You don't need a "what if" because it doesn't work!


If you buy a PSN voucher code, it will be drawn twice over the checkout. Once to cash in and again to activate it at Sony.

Even if the generated code matches that of a PSN card, it is not active.


The sheer power of generating a code is close to zero. There's no rocket science behind it, any pocket calculator could do that. And basically any person who has been paying attention to basic programming for three months can write a corresponding algorithm for this.

Generating a valid code and not just by chance (every 6 in the lottery would be more likely) is a different story. For this one would have to know exactly which algorithm and with which conditions such a code is created.

Certain factors such as the length of the code and the characters used can still be found out quite easily by simply analyzing a collection of valid codes. Which variables can be used would be much more difficult to find out.

And since the operators are not stupid either, they will secure themselves twice and operate a database in which it is noted which codes are currently in circulation and can be redeemed. A duplicate or code created according to a valid scheme but not listed in the database would be rejected directly. So you would also have to have access to these protected databases and the systems behind them. And that's about as easy to say as marching into a bank vault unnoticed and taking the gold holdings from Fort Knox with you.


Well, that only works if the codes follow a fixed pattern, for example. And all codes then simply have to fulfill a fixed format, for example. E.g.

number = z

letter = b

special drawing = s


Then it would be e.g.:

! A3-GLW-193 -! "\ - # E78 a legitimate code. Most of them are fake and are full of four and generate a random code.

It can then look like this (without a window of course)

import string
from random import choices
charset = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + '# "* + ?!'
activation_code = '-'. Join ([''. Join (choices (charset, k = 3)) for i in range (5)])
print (activation_code)


The codes are simply encrypted, and the database then states whether the code was activated by making a deposit. It will not be difficult to find and adjust the amount. The only problem is, as long as they are not activated, they are also worthless.