Is Fallout 76 a Good Game?

- in PlayStation

According to a certain YouTube, the game seems to be virtually unplayable. From the performance as well as from the game itself.

It should be anything but smooth, Bethesda should only be out for money and there are several pay-walls, the game is pay2win and it seems as if you can only achieve something if you have been playing it for a long time. So if I start now that I won't achieve much then. There should also be a lack of details and realism, realistic physics. He made a video at a PvE level or something and that was undoubtedly cheap.

But actually I don't want to play PvE at all. This certain YouTuber likes to get on other gamers' nerves, and that's in my best interest too.

It's not that I really want to play Fo76, but some who get on people's nerves in another game (GTA Online) also play Fo76 and do so there.

Fallout 76, yes or no? (PlayStation 4)

And I wouldn't put a cent in the game. It is currently reduced, so interest is piquing. But if it really is pay2win, I refuse.


Better play Fallout 4 or Fallout New Vegas


These are purely PvE games.


It is now a good game if you are after PVP but you can forget there's hardly any PVP and in Battle Royale mode you will probably be taken apart by cheaters

and it's just a fallout that shouldn't be realistic at all there you are I think playing the wrong game

And yes you have to have played a little to achieve something, but it is normal for an RPG or at least for games with RPG elements