Asian ps4 games?

- in PlayStation

Hi Ps4 gamers and Asia fans. I'm looking for an Asian-themed game. RPG preferably. It doesn't have to be a jrpg. It has to be a game in which one can optically pay attention to the Japanese culture. Similar to Ghost of Tsushima. Only more modern and with more architecture. (I don't like the Yakuza series). I hope someone can advise me. (despite this rather weaker description)


Japanese specifically or Asian in general? How about Shenmue 3? Shenmue 1 + 2 is also available as an HD version for the PS4 and Part 1 is set in Japan. However, you can tell that these parts are old. You can therefore start directly with part 3.

Sleeping Dogs might be interesting too. It's set in Hong Kong.

In Japan, for example, Persona 5 is set directly and it is an RPG.


I mean Asian in general 🤗 I'll have a look at Shen Mue.

I played Persona for 60 hours but then stopped because it was sooo tedious.