How can I redeem an Asian code (Xbox game) in the German Xbox Store?

- in Xbox

I bought a code for an Asian Xbox One game (China) and received the 25-digit code.

However, I was unable to redeem the code because I don't have an Asian Xbox One.

The code can only be redeemed if you log in with your Xbox profile on a "China" Xbox.

Unfortunately, this does not work via VPN, the hardware is crucial in this case.

Does anyone know a trick on how to redeem the code anyway?

Does any of you happen to have a Chinese Xbox or do you know someone who can help?

Is there maybe a forum where you can contact people?

I really want to play the game there.


Did you try to switch the region in the setting?


Try the following:

(No idea if that works, just play on the PC)

Take your laptop or cell phone and install a VPN. Either you are looking for a free one, but it can take a long time, or you take a paid one and start a free trial there. On IOS e.g. Tor VPN or VPN360. Then you set your VPN to Asia and turn it on. Go with the device, log in to Microsoft online with your account and try to redeem the code. Then you can turn off the VPN again.

I don't know if it works, but it might work. LG