Apex Legends Server problems?

- in PlayStation

I really like to play Apex Legends, but I haven't been in the game for 3 days, it started by playing with a friend, but we never somehow got into the same round even though we were in the same lobby. So I restarted the game, then I didn't even get in, on the screen where you select the server (and press Ps4 x) it said (I don't know exactly but something like "No connection to the EA Please test your internet connection and check if your origin is online. "Since I had some problems with the party where I was with my friend (PSN Party), I tested my internet connection (on the Ps4 and also on the laptop). The result of the Ps4 was not very good, everything was fine on the laptop. Since I often have Internet problems in my room (except for the Ps4), I wasn't surprised. But now after three days it shows the same thing, the servers ( after three websites) are probably ok. What should I do, because the internet is good enough and COD Warzone without playing lag. Would be grateful for any answer


I guess the servers are overwhelmed by the location.


Is currently the case with many online games. Many more are at home and stop playing, which is why the servers are overloaded


Stupid, but thanks for the answer


Yes, unfortunately that will be the case, thanks for the answer