I'm writing a work, and I also have to write about my weekend (thought it all out)
Is that so ok?:
The week-end depending on the type of cinematography of the samedi. Puis je mange un kebab au restaurant. Aprés j'ai visité a zoo. A la tin je me suis reposé à la maison. Dimanche je suis allé à ma piscine. Ensuite j'ai joué au foot. Le soir j'ai joué sur la ps4.
Is good
I don't know now whether EVERYTHING is grammatically correct, but you should bind a few sentences so that there are not too many points. For example, you can use many bandages as well as varied words like this:
À la fin
en suite
tout à coup (to create tension = suddenly or tout de suite)
in fin
a ce moment-là
Thanks a lot!
A la tin?
all au cinéma
no you before samedi
Puis j'ai mangé…
Thank you!
With pleasure