Can a PS4 Pro be broken because it sometimes jerky?

- in PlayStation

In games such as Battlefield V or Fortnite it sometimes jerky but it is, according to my buddy the ps4 pro heard but annoying. Could that be a defect? Or is this normal? The PS4 Pro runs according to my buddy normal, starts normally, no crashes or other. Do you notice a hardware defect with a PS4 Pro? Or. Does it even at a hardware defect at all


Unlikely. With BFV it is only since the last update so that it jerks again and again, because something went wrong, so it's up to the game. Before that, she never shook me.


Is the same with my buddy


Do you also have the ps4 pro


Yes. As you can see, there's nothing broken. For BFV, as I said, it's the inadequacy of game programmers.


Sounds unlikely. It's probably the game. Maybe something went wrong during the last update.


Nö the console is just trash and does not run stabiel I can say from my own experience…