Skateboard or Gaming PC?

- in PlayStation

I'm 15 years old and go to high school and now I'm in the 9th grade. Since I've wanted a skateboard for a long time to learn some tricks, I wanted to ask if I should get a gaming PC or a skateboard. Since I play a lot of video games on my PS4, I could not decide. And now with all the tests at school, I wonder if I have time for a thing at all.


Skateboard is cheaper


These are 2 absolutely incomparable things


A gaming PC costs about 1000-2000 euro a beginner skateboard around the 100 euro so it would be better to first buy the PC, maybe you will then save money for the skateboard


So, since you already have a game console, you will have much less of a PC than the skateboard.


A gaming PC costs at least 1000 euro a usable skateboard you get from 90 euro

I do not understand in which world the equal opposites can be.

Just spend a tick less for the PC and get both.


Gaming PCs for FullHD max. You get settings for 600-800 euro. Who spends 1000-2000 euro for a finished PC is your own fault.


That's not the point I'm concerned about, then it is because of me, gaming PCs can be synonymous for 500 euro to have

90 euro vs 500 euro that is still in no relation to each other.