Why do girls not allow their boyfriends anything?

- in PlayStation

All guys are jealous of my boyfriend because I allow him everything. If he wants to gamble, smoke or drink, or if he wants to stay away until 4 a.m. Or if he spontaneously decides to stay the night, he just has to let me know. Almost all the girls I know would freak out as soon as their boyfriend touches the Playstation.

A lot of girls say I'm weird because I let my boyfriend do anything. But I've never seen a guy like that. If a man does that, it's misogynistic, but it's okay with women, at least according to society.

To everyone who is like that: Now honestly, why are you doing this? 🤣


If he wants to gamble, smoke or drink or if he wants to stay away until 4 a.m. Or spontaneously decides to stay overnight,

It's all his business, as if you want to forbid your partner from doing that


Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, you should have the necessary trust in your partner.

If you forbid a lot of things to your partner, it simply shows that you are insecure and don't trust your partner.


I wouldn't forbid anything to my friend. I'm not the mother. Of course, if my boyfriend was smoking or using drugs or something, I would try to discourage him because it is not healthy, but in the end it is his choice. As a boy, I wouldn't want my girlfriend to do everything for me either. You're doing everything right and when you do, the other girls are weird. LG and stay healthy.


I would say people like that are insecure. It doesn't bother me at all if my boyfriend plays games without me, or sleeps somewhere else. He's open and honest with me - that's enough for me. Perhaps some would call that naive. I say this is trust. And without trust, in my opinion, there's simply no good, functioning relationship. However, everyone sees it differently. I feel good this way and that's the most important thing.


I only answer because that's how I see it. But it upsets me so much that these guys let themselves do it and subordinate themselves to that. For me it has nothing to do with love what these girls pull off. But I often get something like that and like the guy still tries to do everything right.

If it really bothers you, you can always find a compromise (e.g. Play 4 hours or be home at 1:00 or so).