Little kids from my neighborhood do Instagram photos with knives and joints?

- in PlayStation

Where I live, there are a lot of families who have a few small children and I found some of those kids on Instagram recently when they watched my story. I've looked at the profile of those times and put in so pictures, as the pose with long knives, joints and bags full of grass on the block and feel cool, because they wear thug life clothes. Have also noticed schonmal that insult the passersby without cause and scoff. I also know them personally, when I meet them in the stairwell, which apart from that are actually quite ok but I have the feeling that their parents have failed in their education. I mean they are maybe 13 or so and put those photos in or even like drinking a few cans of Jack Daniels, no idea who bought them, their big cousin maybe. I'm not a moralist at all, because as a child I was not an angel and did Scheße, but that kids at that age do something like that, I find it hard because other kids play Fortnite on their PS4. Know also the parents of those from the view, they are quite loose, but surely they grate and get drunk on themselves, otherwise they would have their children under better control. Should I go to the parents and talk to them, that I feel they should take better care of their children.

Should I call the youth welfare office?

Or should I just let it be good, because that's not my problem anymore?


Show the pictures times their parents!


Something like that often happens today… Little children who have just worn diapers and now make on thick eggs. I would print out the pictures and put them in the mailbox of the parents. Let's see what the reaction will be.


Am I not punishable with something like that? Violation of privacy or something in the direction?


I do not know if that's a good idea. Actually, I wanted to tell them but also the parents are quite violent, the beating the children I think the punishment, even if they come home too late or write bad grades. I've heard that once.


Theoretically, yes, because you photographed the pictures without permission, but if they show that, they would be pretty stupid, because if the police see the pictures well, you know.


Well, I would try talking to the kids first, but telling them would make things worse, especially with foreign parents.


Yes, that's right. Only I do not want to be involved. Afterwards I get even more trouble with the police, I do not want anything to do with that.


Well, if you go to them personally and not anonymous, it may happen that they may fail according to your description.


You're probably right. They are also very nice to me, sometimes also play football with them.

Although my parents are also foreigners, mine are not violent or aggressive.

I'm not quite sure. Did the kids synonymous schonmal addressed, why do those things at that age already. They just want to belong and it's hard to try to talk them out of it.

They just do not understand that guns, drugs and alcohol are not for them, it all felt like all the little kids Gta and Call of Duty, that does not surprise me anymore.


Hm, yes, good idea. I'm just worried about the kids because some of this group have very violent fathers. Does not want them to be punished.


They have made the pictures public, because you do not make you punishable! Print pictures and save somewhere and then write a letter to the family, where you write that this is not ok, but very important, without threats, or insults, or something! You can do that anonymously!


Yes, that would be an idea. I only have concerns because some of this children's group have fathers who exercise violence.


Simply both, parents inform and youth welfare office.


Unfortunately, this is very common in Berlin. Maybe it comes from the fact that we're a million-city. Honestly, I would just keep out of it as long as it does not harm you or anything like that.


Well, me not, but maybe even yourself and the sometimes even strangers folks just like that. At that age, I would never have come up with such ideas.


Morally and rationally, the logic is very wrong, and unfortunately God sees more and more children making the kiffen and drinking and one on Babo, Morally, I would definitely have parents as a stand-up held the children are the future but this way obstruct their future. This is something I can't understand, that is morally wrong and there are more important things in life than that.


"All the little kids Gta and Call of Duty are playing, so I'm not surprised anymore"

I started to play cs at the age of 5. Well, it depends on how you talk to the kids? Are you telling them drugs and co are bad or are you really clarifying? If you really care so much, then get in touch! Tell them what harm they can get if they take drugs even though the brain is not fully developed! You have to make them feel that it's not a taboo topic, because if something is taboo, you want to break it extra as a kid!


So I do not know, but even if the children act like idiots. If someone beat them, they would be beaten in jail by the other inmates. 😂

On child abusers / beaters one is not good to speak there.

I would prefer to spank children's bottom, even if they are naughty. Then rather hold a booth.


With 5 Cs 😂😂😂😂 there you are still in the preschool

But with your tip you're right


Are bad conditions!

maybe there's a Jugendamtinfo better!