Can I sell games without USK characters?

- in PlayStation

I have Ps4 games (CD) which are printed without USK characters. EBay does not let me sell them, which is why I have researched and I have read that games without USK are automatically over 18 and I can only sell them to adults. I wanted to make sure again and now ask again here


You are not allowed to sell games. You are violating the copyright.


This is true for games that are permanently connected to an online account.

Because with Steam, Epic, etc. You only buy a personal usage license from the respective provider. This license can't be assigned to others or sold.

However, there are still these classic games that (as was usual in the past) were sold in cardboard boxes or (later) in DVD cases and only have one (offline) serial key. Often you had to insert the CD / DVD so that the copy protection started the game at all.

I used to like to buy something like this in real flea markets, but also in various online shops.


Try this adult auction house:

It works very similar there, as on eBay.

However, you have to legitimize yourself there beforehand. I think that was done using the PostIdent process. This applies to buyers and sellers.

I occasionally "picked" a few games and video DVDs there that were not available on the German market. So the completely uncut frames, e.g. Actually only intended for sale in Austria.

However, the question remains whether these PS4 games have been permanently linked to a PS online account and can still be activated on another account.

I don't know how Sony handles it, because I don't have a PS4, but "only" a PC and an old PS2.

And for both platforms I bought some titles "there".