Arguments for buying Borderlands?

- in PlayStation

Since soon Borderlands 3 comes out, I thought, I'll download the handsome collection on Ps4, because it's just for PS + customers to have free. Actually, I always ignored the series because I thought a game with such a graphic or whatever you call it, that's not mine now (just makes a very childlike impression). But already after the ULTRA KRASSEN intro in the first part my opinion has changed fundamentally. However, since my PS + subscription expires in a month, I doubt I'll finish the first part, let alone start with the second one. Ask my question to the lengthy Borderlands fans:

What are the good reasons for buying the game or the games?

Ps. As I said, I really like the game, but let's just say that I like pure shooters such. Destiny does not like at all.


The Borderlands series is simply love!

The humor, the unique graphics, the individual characters, everything fits!

Especially at Borderlands 2 with the whole DLCs a pretty big and fun game…

I do not play that much anymore, but I have almost 500h in Borderlands 2 and remember what fun I had with 3 fellow players killing bosses and getting the best gun or shield to blunder… Have fun!


Just hang on for another year or at least 3 months ps +, then you can still play the handsome and make yourself a picture of it.


Oh, there speaks a real fan ;-) So 500h does not sound bad.


You're welcome!

PS: This graphics style is called Cel Shading graphics!


So it works ;-) Would be quite conceivable, because I still continue Battlefield 1 u. Titanfall wants to play 2 multiplayer.


Ah yes, thank you, again learned something.



and also cheaper, than to buy the games now and then they may not like you (which I can't imagine)

and it just gets cheaper with the ps + subscription (just because you get some games every month)


Claptrap, you do not need more reasons.

Otherwise humor, story, the fact that the Collection (BL2 and Pre) on Steam is just 97% reduced and incl. Almost all DLC instead of 235 euro only 6 euro.