I'm currently getting a lot of strange news from other users. Something is written "HAMLET I wîll rècéìvè ìt sïr wïth ãll dìlïgëncé öd spîrìt. Pût öûr bònnêt tó hïs rîgth ùse, 'tìs fór thë héãd"
Or something like that
: or something
Delete unopened and block the sender. Finished.
These are bots, just report and block.
It's like spam mail. Just ignore it and you're done
Set the hype box so that strangers can send you more kenie messages.
Problem solved!
To ignore. I don't understand the language, but I guess that's kind of a nice scam. There's also on the ps4.
how long is a (ws-37337-3) suspension