Cold War cross gen do I have to repurchase it on the Ps5?

- in PlayStation

If I get the Cold War cross gen package from psn, I can then continue to play on Ps5 without buying it again or having to buy it again.


You don't have to buy it again


So I just have to connect my Acc to ps5 and I can start playing right away


You just have to download it again


Okay thanks


If you have bought the digital standard version, there's a surcharge of 10 euro for the upgrade. It is included in the other versions.

As Sony and publisher Activision have now announced, the upgrade from the PS4 to the PS5 version will be chargeable. The version for Playstation 5 will cost almost 10 euro extra, unless you have bought the Cross-Gen Digital Edition or Ultimate Digital Edition.


In order to be able to play COD Cold War on the PS5 you can either buy the Cross-Gen Bundel or the Ultimate Edition on the PS4. Both bundles have the function that as soon as you connect the account on which you bought it to the PS5 COD Cold War can be downloaded and played.

With the Standart Edition, since the PS5 is backwards compatible, you can play the PS4 version of COD Cold War on the PS5. (Should also be free.) 😊

Hope I could help 🤗

Edited: Here again a picture to confirm!

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