Can my Main Valorant account be banned if I sell a 2t account?

- in Twitch

I wanted to try out the game Valorant and that's why I created a riot account and then connected it to my Twitch account and watched streams (I think everyone who knows Valorant knows what I mean).

In any case, I waited several days and at some point when it took me too long, I then created a riot account and connected it to another Twitch account. Now of course I have access to both accounts at the same time and do not know what to do with the 2. All my friends already have accounts and I only need one. My question now is, if I sell the account, can my main be banned? Friends told me that, but I doubt it.

ps. I know they are mostly banned, but those who buy the account actually know that.


Nobody knows your main. As long as you don't say that or stream it, it never comes out


If you were a reasonably smart person, you would not pull others off for a beta key, especially since this Acc that is sold is banned anyway.


Huh? Why pull off? Anyone who buys an account knows that there's a risk that he will be banned? So where do I pull people off with it? In addition, not every account is banned. N buddy of mine bought n acc and he is not banned.


By selling an account that can be obtained for free, also called, deduct. But you don't understand anything about it and you don't care anyway that small children fall into such a mesh and maybe even steal their parents


Yes, people know that. Nobody forces them to buy an acc. But if people don't want to wait, they have to spend money. That's the way it is. But that is far from being a deduction.


No, they don't have to. Just realize that Valorant secondary accounts farm and sell is not correct. Just give others the chance to get a key instead of waiting for it with a second account and then selling the second acc. So you deduct an account access, claim it for yourself even though you don't need it, and then sell it to people who could have gotten this access for free


I think, you misunderstood me. I did not have a 2t account to farm keys and then sell them. But to increase my chances of getting a key (for myself). But I got the keys on both accounts at the same time and now I don't know what to do with them. I have not created any accounts so that I can then sell them. That just happened.


In addition, you can still get the key for free. Nobody is forced to buy one. But if you don't want to wait, you have to spend money.


No, I have not "withdrawn" anyone's key. People can still get their keys and I repeat: everyone who buys an account knows that the accounts may be banned. So people know what they're getting into when they buy one. Point


You are just selfish and think of yourself. You blame others for taking the risk, even though you are responsible for the risk.

And the key you got could have been given for FREE by someone who needs it and doesn't already have it.

If you do not understand it now you are resistant to any communication that does not correspond to your opinion, ergo: There's no point in further discussing it because you do not want to understand it.