Why do I have such a bad KD in Call of Duty?


I'm active in the industry for a long time but still I have an average ke of 0.5. Have I already got tips and apply them every time, for example, always looking for a cover or play defensive. Unfortunately, everything does not work for me.


You can get tips as you want. If the basic skill is not there you will not get better. There's nothing you can do. Either a game is "lying" or not.


Why is that important to you? You're playing for joy! And nobody cares about your KD except you! So play, have fun and do not look up which KD you have. That's what it's all about


I'm active in the industry for a long time

Have I already got tips and apply them every time, for example, always looking for a cover

Since you have NEN secrete tip clarified.

Apart from that, why is your KD like that, yes, because there are people who are better than you, quite simply, that's the reason.

What you can do to change it, play more and gain experience and, like a normal person, take care of more important things, play for fun and give nothing to a stupid KD that does not interest people in the world.


Call of Duty does not allow you to play defensively, you always have to keep moving. Practice Movement and Aiming and internalize the map to find the best way. If you want to play more defensive Call of Duty is the absolutely wrong game ^^

Response Time, Aiming (though the weapons are very easy to control for themselves compared to Counter-Strike and Co) and Movement is almost everything at Call of Duty, even more so than many other first-person shooters. If you have problems with it, it will be hard to get into the game. But do not let it go down.