Overwatch connection lost to dead Lc-202?

- in Xbox

I play Overwatch on the Xbox One and in the beginning I can play without any problems, but as soon as I'm killed there are connection problems and meisst I completely lose the connection and then the error message comes: LC-202 (what I believe glauub hints that the connection to the Blizzard server is broken off) in other games eg. GTA Online (also the minigames are a bit faster) everything works without problems and the rotuer can't be synonymous (I checked everything) and earlier I was able to play Overwatch synonymous with no problems. 3 months ago I gambled last and then took a break. I can look at the Xbox synonymous normal livestreams or videos and this network diagnosis that you can do nothing synonymous revealed. I'm really desperate and afraid that my console is scrap or something

PS: The other players do not seem to run as bad as me.


Well that's like in the matrix, if you die in the game, you die in real.


Then you probably write with a dead man.