Gta money glitches?

- in Xbox

I'm very poor in Gta and I don't know how to get a lot of money on Xbox one very easily. Does anyone know a glitch and if so can someone explain it to me? (I already know Jeton's glitch, it doesn't work on Xbox)


Save on the arcade so you can do casino heists afterwards


Go to the casino and do the slots or blackjack glitches. They bring a lot in the beginning. After that I would buy CEO building and a small / medium box warehouse. Then fill it up with boxes and sell it. Or play the modes it currently gets triple money and Rp.


I'm a billionaire and I'm not bored either.


You just fly around with your now and kill people, you probably have nothing else to do. Like many others, you are probably not interested in robberies etc. That's why it's so difficult to find good teammates…


And if? After all, GTA is a PvP game. Also, I'm not a jet pilot, I'm someone who removes cancer from GTA Online.


"GTA is a PvP game after all," "… Cancer removed from GTA Online"

Thunderlords brainwashing worked perfectly. Just because he says that is not automatically the truth.

GTA does have PVP-oriented elements, but fighting in the Freemoid without a goal or pawing off people who actually don't feel like it is nonsense. There's no goal, the cops get on your nerves, you blow yourself up, you destroy others' sales, causing them to lose 1 million and you yourself win 2000 euro. WOW! And then there are statements like "Sales in a solo lobby!". Only stupid if you started your sale and someone like you accidentally joins who thinks you have to "remove the cancer".

There are enough jobs for PVP, but they are not gambled by people like you because you can't play as dirty as in freemode and then most likely get pissed off.

I play PVP jobs very often and, strangely enough, I've never met a barcode. Never!


First of all, I'm not a barcode, and secondly, I'm not a GerThunderlord fan. I also never said that I'm senselessly pawing off innocent players. Cancer means noobikers, you should know that. And if I get rid of noobikers, that's an asset for people like you who want to sell their goods. I never destroy other people's sales, I try to help them because I know that there are people who want to earn their money honestly. Then when an Oppressor Cancer child comes, I destroy him because he deserves it, but I never destroy innocent players, and he certainly doesn't when they sell goods. I'm also a ground player, which also suggests that I'm not a Thunderlord, and yes, if I'm attacked by an armed vehicle, such as The Noobbike, then of course I blow myself away, because that is not based on a fair fight. Then I think of Rabbix. You should read carefully before judging people here.


Listen to yourself… Would you come up with the idea in Batlefield to blow yourself up as soon as an attack plane approaches you from heaven because it would be UNFAIR? But it's not your fault, it's these stupid Youtubers who plant something in your head.


But Gta is not Battlefield. Very easily.


But it is a PVP game as you yourself argued ^^


Yes, but different from Battlefield.


And still PVP. If you make a kill you have made a kill, and if you cash in then you cash in. Just because this Rabbix says it would be ok is far from it.


And just because that hyperactiveman says it, is it right?


Common sense tells you. Logic tells you. You kill yourself because you can't take the defeat. Let yourself go, run away and get yourself something to counter. Where is the problem?

Tell that to people who don't play GTA. "Today such a Noobbike cancer wanted to kill me, but before that I killed myself because I don't want to give him the kill (and probably want to protect my K / D)". Every normal gamer would shake his head.


You're right because I don't give him the kill.