Why can't I find any lobbies as a survivor in Dead By Daylight?

- in Xbox

For several evenings I have had the problem that I can't find lobbies when I want to play as a survivor. It doesn't matter whether I'm looking alone, with a friend or with two or three friends. As a killer, I find a lobby almost immediately. Is that because no pig just wants to play killer or is there other reasons?

PS: We're all Survival Rank 14 and all play on Xbox Series X with the exception of one who still plays on a One.


Right, no pig wants to play killer. That's why the killer cues are so extremely fast in the evening.
Maybe the waiting times will improve when the matchmaking system is improved in early January.


Many wonder about it. In fact, it generally takes longer at this time to find a lobby. Has nothing to do with rank or anything. Morning / noon, however, is the other way around. As a survivor you will find a lobby faster and as a killer you have to wait longer. I can't explain why that's so.


It's a shame actually. Personally, I really enjoy being the killer. But if you want to play with friends you have to rely on an online killer, because it is difficult to get 5 people together for private games.

But I still have one question for you. You said early January but it's almost over. Did you make a mistake in the month or do you actually mean next year?


Beginning of February *


Okay I got it. I'm curious!