Modern Warfare mouse and keyboard Xbox One?

- in Xbox

I recently learned that you can play with a mouse and keyboard only for me it does not work, the controller and mouse and keyboard settings are locked and can't change it when I unplug my keyboard and mouse, but I can change it again when I do plug it in again and i put it on mouse and keyboard and i leave the settings it automatically switches back to controller knows jmd how to handle this?


I would leave it in your place. If you play with mouse and keyboard, you mainly come in lobbies with other mouse and keyboard users, i.e. PC players. Since you have only disadvantages on console. It's not for nothing that more and more people are playing on a PC with a controller.


Just try to turn the controller off


I have already tried it because I'm told to reactivate the controller


I realize that, I'm just looking for a new challenge