Can Mmoga prohibit cancellations?

- in Xbox

A few months ago, a total of 100 euro was spent on Xbox credit from my PayPal account through Mmoga, even though I wasn't. I also haven't received a purchase confirmation email from Mmoga. Then I opened a case on PayPal to get the money back because, as I said, I did not receive / buy anything.

Now I ordered something from Mmoga a few days ago, but I didn't get it by email either. Then I wrote to support with a second email because who would have thought? I don't get any support reply emails either. In any case, the mail replied said that I was still expected to pay because they wouldn't offer any cancellations.

So they expect something from me for which I'm 100% not responsible and which I have not received either. What should I do now? (Got the 100 euro back from PayPal.)


Well, everyone can say that it wasn't him. You have to read the ABGs