No Minecraft Dungeons online game?

- in Xbox

Me and a few friends got the XBox Pass a few days ago and were waiting for the release of Minecraft Dungeons. When I wanted to get started, I clicked on online game in the main menu. Then I had these privileges error "Can't play because the online game is restricted". However, my friends can play.

thanks in advance

LG Seidy

No Minecraft Dungeons online game

I know it is not how


That is probably the Teredo filter in your rooter. You have to deactivate it or it won't work. I have to do it first. So rather my father xD.

How exactly that works you have to google, but then it should work


Unfortunately, deactivating the Teredo filter did not work.


Gladly, even if I could unfortunately help net.



I have this error too!

Have you already fixed the bug?


I also had and solved the problem. Check out my question, you will find everything. Hope this will solve the problem.

Have fun with the game and VG!