XBOX Purchased games with GamePass reduction still available after termination?

- in Xbox

With the gamepass, there are at least a lot richer discounts than usual. I have already bought a game in this way.

GamePass is free to buy for a month to test for free, of course, I accepted the offer, and I bought a game for "permanently", with an action of "More discount thanks to Gamepass customer".

Now I ask myself, is it like the free of charge games (against the monthly GamePass fee) that these are no longer available when the subscription is canceled and inactive?

"Durable" means here but also hopefully permanently, right? If that is not the case, of course I do not buy any more games about it - otherwise I go shopping big.


If you have purchased games with the GamePass, which benefits from owning the GamePass, then this will not be available once your GamePass is no longer active.


I almost thought so, even if you could not immediately accept that. So there's nothing "permanent": /


No, it's not permanent, but it has its meaning somewhere.


That is not right. If you have bought a game, it is yours and will still be available after the game pass.

The Game Pass is an advantage in this case as it gives a still discount on the purchase. For that and of course to play many titles for lukewarm one has the Game Pass among other things. That he was free for a month as in this case does not matter.


See my comment and answer.


If you buy a game at a reduced price through the Game Pass, it will still be yours after the subscription has expired. After all, you have paid for it.

The discount is indeed a bonus for Game Pass owners in addition to the many free titles. And that too costs money. In your case, the more rewarding because you got it for a month for free.