Do I need Xbox Live Gold for Warzone on Xbox Series X?

- in Xbox

I'm getting an Xbox Series X soon and want to play Call of Duty Warzone. Do I need Xbox Live Gold to play this game? According to its own knowledge, Microsoft is said to have updated that Free2Play games do not require an Xbox Live Gold subscription. But in the Microsoft Store Warzone for online multiplayer functions Xbox Live Gold subscription required or something. How is it now?


Yes you need


It is planned to abolish the gold requirement for free to play games, but this has not yet been implemented

so yeah you don't need gold


Yes you currently need an active Xbox Live Gold membership to play free to play games like Fortnite, Warzone and co. To be able to play online.

Indeed! From an official point of view, it should soon be the case that Free To Play titles can also be played without Xbox Live Gold. When exactly this will happen is not yet known.

The only question for me is why you buy the most powerful console if you want to buy games like that or just free to play.


Yes, you need xbox live, but I would recommend the Xbox Gamepass, which doesn't cost much and you can download a lot of good games for free, and the gamepass automatically comes with xbox Gold for free