Mw3 still playable?

- in Xbox

I started Mw3 again for a long time. More than 100,000 players are shown, but I can't find a round or can't start because there are no players.

Are these just fake numbers from Activision or is it something else?

P.S. I'm playing on the Xbox 360 / one


As I know this is just a bug. Black ops 1 has it too. There are probably between 100-500 players at most online.


I'm not assuming that by "Mw3" you mean the game "Mechwarrior 3", right?

I recommend always giving the full title when naming a game.

You can use an abbreviation later in the text.

This way, even the "uninitiated" know and there are no mix-ups.

The fact that you have specified your gaming platform is a plus.


Of course, I still gamble on the every now and then


Lobby's run smoothly, something is found quickly and almost never any hackers.

As fun as ever