Are brand names allowed in a domain?


I want to create a fanpage website for a specific product. May I mention the brand of the product in the domain? For example,


You have to ask the jew right owner

only he can decide who is allowed to use the name


Jew right?


The respective rights holder.


The owner of the jew (hurried brands / named) rights

in the case of your aforementioned PlayStation example, this would be the company Sony


Is DENIC's policy that allowed?

If not, you can apply for it, but then you will soon receive an expensive reminder from a lawyer and a cease and desist letter that you must sign.


That can't be answered with yes or no. It depends on which project can be found on the domain. Once that's commercial, you'll get in trouble. But even there it can, if you A specialized reseller is to fill in gaps, then of course the companies are also interested in their goods being sold. Which domain is used then, does not matter.

If you use the domain but with completely non-thematic content and still have the brand name in the domain, then this can also lead to problems.

But if I read it that way, you're more likely to build a blog and report on games there. Since you will certainly not rank so strongly with the domain, you will tolerate that. The specified domain name "fanpage" actually says everything.

I point out, however, that the domain name does not matter at all. Call it what you want, it depends anyway on the content of the page.