Homebrew Nintendo 3ds / 2ds allowed?

- in Nintendo

I would like to remodel my 2ds on a homebrew software.

Nintendo would like to lock 3ds / 2ds devices if such software is installed.

Is that true or can I reschedule my 2ds / 3ds without being driven, or am I worried that my 3ds will be disabled?


So mine was never locked and I know many who have the and where no one has been locked. Obs that I do not know but I never heard of.


You can be locked by a software update if you are unlucky, such cases have been quite often,

Therefore, if I recommend that you do not go online anymore, then you can't play any online games but you will not get any updates and you will not have to worry about a lock because the whole console becomes unusable due to the lock


I would rather advise against it, as I've heard that this brings with it many risks including the lock you mentioned but also that some devices did not work properly after testing homebrew. That's why I would rather recommend an R4 card

When you buy an R4 card, you should note that all files in the folder are "extracted" from the folder, so all the files in the folder are moved so that the device can read the files as well


Can you recommend me one? I see that there are quite a few.

Especially for the 2ds


I did some research and found this page
