Find friends on Nintendo 3DS?

- in Nintendo

With (New) Nintendo 2DS (XL) and (New) Nintendo 3DS (XL) you can make friends via StreetPass. But now that you are not supposed to get out (coronavirus) it is bad. And my friends don't have Nintendo. So I wanted to ask if you can find friends on the Internet and then send them a friend code or how it works. I really have no idea how it works because I don't have any friends on Nintendo yet.


Yes you can just give your friend code to people. They then enter it as an online friend in the friend list and you then only have to accept them as a friend or enter their friend code.

What are you playing on the 3DS?

Maybe you can exchange friend codes and play together.


Hi, I'm glad that you answer. I only have Animal crossing New leaf because I have only had my Nintendo 2 DS XL for about 2 weeks. But of course I will buy a lot more games over time.


Would you like to play together?


May we like to send me your friend code?


My friend code: 1436-0789-0749


Would you like to send me a friend request