Numbers confuse me?

- in Nintendo

The question above sounds certainly stupid and ridiculous at first glance. But for that I have to explain something:

For about two months, I had some stress in school and I was mentally not well. I was more outside, walking more often, etc. Only since then, I've always planned to have a notebook with me and numbers that I see in everyday life or write down the number of things I count to distract myself. But since that is a bit strange. Recently I was in a restaurant and I saw the six times several times. I saw the lights out of boredom and counted or seen the number six again and again. Then at 6:00 pm, the waitress suddenly fell and broke exactly six glasses. One remained still. That scared me, but it could just be a coincidence. Then yesterday we got into the car and I played Nintendo and several times the number 7 40 or 740 came out. Or on billboards I saw this number. Later we had lost our way and on the sign on the highway stood 740 (was painted), exactly where we had lost our way. Somehow it bothers me a lot and I think about it endlessly, am I just crazy?


IMPORTANT: These are not the only cases where this happened, these were just two examples of several!


I'm not a professional.

But I suspect that you only imagine this and you actually see several different numbers but focus only on certain numbers.


I hope so


Your perception is at fault.

For example, you see thousands of cars every day. You can see them though, but your brain deliberately ignores all the details.

And let's say you buy a car that you have rarely seen before.

Suddenly you see the car constantly at every traffic light, etc. Because then you pay close attention to it.

Our brain deliberately shuts off these details, as we would probably otherwise be totally insane.

Similar are Déjà-vus.

Maybe you should take care of the reason you're stressing and do something about it.

Do not worry and get well soon.