I have a question. Do you know when a new delivery of the Nintendo Switch is coming in Germany? Tried to get a switch since March 20th. None, I ordered a switch twice from Media Markt, both were canceled. Then I tried Saturn. Since it was canceled after 3 minutes. Now I want to ask if there's more accurate information that the Switch will be available again in the German market soon. Since it is very difficult to get it for the normal price. I don't want to buy a switch for 500 euro or wait until the end of July.
If that's really true of what the game economy reports, I'll go to Media Markt or Saturn immediately and buy a switch there. Since I heard that switches should be stacked in the branches.
Nobody will be able to tell you when a switch will be available for sale again - and constant asking doesn't help. This question comes up several times a day…
Just buy online
Boy how am I supposed to get one when everything is sold out. Can't you read I wrote that Media Markt and Saturn canceled my orders 3 times. Get better information before you say 'own experience'?
Amazon? EBay?
BOY IF SOLD OUT EVERYWHERE AT AMAZON! And certainly don't pay 500-700 euro for a used switch.